What People Say

Some words from a few successful hypnotherapy clients

I began working as a hypnotherapist in 2004 and since then have helped thousands of people to lose weight and to stop smoking but there is so much more that effective hypnotherapy can do.  Over the years I have worked with an extremely wide range of challenges, from stress, anxiety, confidence and some very unusual issues.

Most of my work comes from recommendations from happy clients.  I often work with people who have tried hypnotherapy before, without success and help them find a way to make it work for them.  Here is just a small selection of testimonials from some of my clients……….

Incredibly relaxing experience. Happy to listen to Edwards’s voice and allow my sub conscious to respond. Sometimes quite surprised at images/responses that came to mind.

I was finding work overwhelming and struggling to put things in perspective. I wanted to be able to not react so strongly to stressful situations and to not be visibly agitated.  People have commented on a change in my persona at work. I do feel more in control and don’t panic/stress as much when things go wrong.

I had no expectations of the hypnotherapy experience but have been really impressed by the changes I have seen since seeing Edward. Edward asks lots of questions to ensure that the crux of the issue is identified and can be handled with your sub conscious. I wanted to see an improvement in my ability to manage pressure in work and this has definitely been realised.

G. K

It’s really hard to explain and to put in words how Edward has helped me to solve little things in my life that other people may struggle with.. cigarettes, eating disorders, anxiety, stress, breaking up issues. me?

I have never had any of these and I don’t even know what they are. Or at least, this is what I believe in. I don’t understand what people mean when they invite me to go outside for a cigarette, as I can’t even stand the smell. And I don’t see myself as someone who has ever smoked.

Well. whatever the issue is, I do recommend a chat with Edward. If you want to achieve it, he’ll just make it happen for you. Enjoy life!

J. D

I did not have the natural births that I planned, yes I had to have medical help to deliver both my children, however without hypnosis I would not have had any control over the situation, I would not have felt able to deal with it and possibly I would not have had my second child, imagine that!

L. A

Without your help I do not know how my life would have gone.  Your sessions have really helped me sort out my family and health problems, so that now I can face things with a positive outlook.

Thank you.

D. J

Relaxing and surprisingly easy to do.

V. B

I originally met Edward through a mutual friend some years ago. He is sincere and passionate about helping others to reach their potential through hypnosis, identifying the issues with the individual that are preventing then from leading a positive and full filled life.

It is very important to be talk openly and honestly and, for me , Edward has all the qualities to be able to facilitate this and put you at your ease.  For me, I initially visited Edward following a bereavement, which impacted on family relationships resulting in anxiety and panic attacks. The time with Edward helped me to find the underlying reasons that were causing these feelings and within a short time these had disappeared.

It is surprising to me how being able to identify and work on the issues, can have such  a positive effect on so many other aspects of your life. It is difficult to sum everything up, other than to say my ‘mo-jo’ has returned, relationships are better, work related worries don’t seem so big any more and the thought that I could achieve whatever I set my mind to is stronger.

If you are considering Hypnotherapy for whatever reason, I would feel able to highly recommend Edward.

A. L

It is quite a weird feeling. While I was aware of everything that was being said, and aware that if I really wanted to I could come out of it, in practice I was in such a deep state of relaxation that I didn’t have the inclination or the energy to do so.

I’d been suffering from depression and stress and was unable to stop myself behaving badly towards me partner. I just wanted to stay in bed and hide. This is normal after treatment for cancer, and some of it is delayed shock/PTSD, but I couldn’t face the thought of just putting up with it and waiting to get through it.

After the first session I already started feeling better but since the second one all these problems have miraculously gone away. I do get a bit down occasionally as everyone does, but I now snap out of it quickly and don’t take it out on my partner.

I’m so grateful for the speedy and effective treatment of my issues and I think it tragic that more people are not aware of the benefits of hypnotherapy.

C. B

The most amazing thing In the world. Peaceful and tranquil…

My mind truly opening up and my subconscious being communicated too in such an engaged, effective and logical way. A truly mind blowing experience

J. M

A strange relaxed feeling I had never experienced before.  I was frustrated at doing things I shouldn’t have been doing like having my mouth open when eating and talking over people.

I feel I am doing these things less. Not there yet but getting there.  I would recommend anyone who has similar problems to go to Edward

A. M

Slightly surreal. I came out of the session not sure whether I had really allowed Edward to talk to my subconscious and feeling slightly fraudulent; then exactly one week later I stopped smoking tobacco. It has been 3 weeks since then and no cravings at all.

I was stuck in an endless cycle of knowing that I must stop smoking and not being able to.

Edward has helped me in a profound way. I am very grateful for this and for the time he has spent with me in order to get me to this new place in my life. Thank you.

P. D

Edward helped me enormously in preparing for the birth of my second child.  My first labour had been long, painful, and like most women’s, had not followed my birth plan!  I’d read all the books – on hypnobirthing and natural birth and I’d tried to practise some of the relaxation techniques that they taught,

most of which had concentrated on controlled breathing – not much different from the pilates and yoga I had also done. And so I wasn’t really convinced that they would help while I was in the throws of painful contractions.

I was sceptical about how Edward’s hypnotherapy techniques might help, and all I had to go on was my experience of TV and stage hypnotists. But Edward’s calm and caring approach and clear explanation of what he was going to do put me and my husband at ease.

fter only a couple of sessions I was able to get into a state of deep relaxation where I could focus on the positive goal of seeing my healthy baby boy, rather than a process of pain.

Unfortunately there were complications and I had to have a cesarean section. But the proceeding weeks and days leading up to the delivery were made all the easier by the hypnosis that I’d had with Edward

H. R

I can’t thank you enough for teaching me how to fly!

L. R

Gave me a positive outlook and helped me put things into perspective.

D. J

I’ve never experienced anything like it before!

A. S

Calming and enlightening, I felt surprisingly aware whilst feel so relaxed.

I was anxious and stressed.  I can now deal with situations in a new light and feel much calmer about things that previously would have made me extremely anxious, and once caused me to faint. I now don’t faint do to feeling anxious.

Before visiting Edward I suffered with fainting nearly every day from feeling extremely anxious about everyday situations. This had really been affecting my college attendance and confidence.

I was unsure as to what to expect when seeing Edward but he made me feel very comfortable and hypnotherapy was really relaxing and calming to me - as well as eye opening.

He’s made me see situations in a new light, where I feel more calm, confident and relaxed about things I would have perhaps once fainted over. I really do believe he has changed my life dramatically and I am very grateful for this.

I thoroughly recommend Edward, even if you’re sceptical about hypnotherapy.

H. S

A bit strange but a very positive outcome.  I was frustrated with myself.  I am now moving forward with a much more positive approach with my issue.

A. H

Amazing. I was surprising how quickly it worked and has completely changed my life. I was very relaxed and felt like a mass of energy. Afterwards I felt very happy and revitalised.

I am into mountain biking and before meeting Edward I would have panic and anxiety attacks if I cycled anywhere new or even places I had been before. One tiny slip and it would ruin my whole ride.

I would shake, feel sick, my heart would pound and I would freeze and cry and not be able to do anything. It bought me down and effected my day to day well being and stopped me doing the things I loved.

I go out on my bike and don’t feel worried or anxious about going out. I don’t stress about what is ahead or about new trails. I am completely relaxed and actually enjoy the moment and take everything as it comes.

I get a huge sense of ‘I can do that’ when I find new trails or drops. I have even done things I would never have done before and even gone back to places where I had an ‘episode’ and just did it.

I thought I loved mountain biking before, but now I love it even more as I feel great and properly enjoy it. Edward has changed my life! Bring on Europe!

K. S

Left feeling more relaxed and confident within myself.

J. S

The next day was the start of my life again, I was smiling again. I looked in a full-length mirror, side on, and noticed I was even standing straighter!

Four sessions on I feel fantastic, no tablets, drugs, potions or shrinks.  Just an amazing man, with an amazing ability,or gift, call it what you want.  Thank you Edward, you’ve changed my life!

M. P

Excellent.  Felt more calm and confident and able to channel my thoughts in a different way.  I did not know what to expect but hypnotherapy has given me the confidence to challenge my negative thoughts and deal with them in a positive way.

C. H

I would highly recommend Edward, he has helped me immensely and I would have no hesitation in seeking his help again in the future if needed.

J. H

Excellent.  I would describe my experience as very good, it has helped me get past my stutter.  I felt low on confidence and nervous to speak to people.

My life has improved massively since my sessions with Edward I have done things that before I would of not had the confidence to do.  Even though I still stutter from time to time this is down to just learning again to speak with confidence.

S. E

Just a quick note to update you on my progress.  I have lost 33 pounds since I saw you last!!

P. R

Very successful and very enjoyable!  I wasn't confident and I doubted myself, Edward soon sorted this out!  I am much more confident without a doubt!

D. A

He took my mind where I have never been before, which has improved my life and has made me more positive.  I was negative about my relationships to people close to me.

Edward supported me with advice during the whole process and the level of encouragement was excellent.

I can honestly say that the sense of achievement was excellent and would recommend Edward’s service to anyone who has issues that they are unable to find the answers.

B. M

You will never feel more relaxed

E. G

Different and more effective than past experience with hypnotherapy. Edwards follow up procedure is second to none. Genuine care and attention to find the root of the problem.

I have discovered reasons behind my anxiety that I was unaware of before my sessions with Edward that go back further than I ever imagined. He offers security of my wellbeing knowing what could trigger my anxiety and how to avoid reoccurrence.

Highly recommended for both hypnotherapy and aftercare. Edward has genuine concern for people and how his service can help. I will definitely return if I feel it necessary.

L. M

Haven’t been so relaxed for an age!!  We should all do more of this!

S. K

Enlightening, and mind blowing.  I feel more focused . The urges have been reduced by 80% . I feel that I want to achieve more in life and make things happen, which is happening!

Edward is an incredibly professional hypnotist who is very passionate about what he does. He uses an amazing technique of being able to get through to the Subconscious and from there can make excellent progress in re programming parts of the affected brain.

He has a very easy to get on with manner and puts people at ease with a blend of humour and being down to earth. I would highly recommend Edward.

J. T

I was skeptical about the benefit but found the process relaxing and its effect very significant.  It has taken my golf handicap down from 18 to 7 in a three month period.

H. T